The trans-tasman bubble opens: covid-19
So covid, like most people, put a hold to many of my exciting upcoming travel plans, including an 18th bday like no other sailing around croatia, and my first proper solo backpacking adventure, exploring the eastern side of Africa for 6 weeks over christmas. I think i cried for a week about all the cancelled flights and lost experiences, however a year into this pandemic things are looking up and whilst both Australia and New Zealand are doing well in terms of cases (ie. we’ve no cases) the trans-tasman bubble has opened. April 19 and whilst there had been speculation about the borders opening for a few weeks now, I never thought the day would actually come. Yesterday, the legend that is Jacinta Arden announced there will be Quarantine travel between NZ and Australia, today I booked flights. I didn’t even look at the price, 18 year old me who’s been stuck in the same state longer than she’s ever been stuck in one place her whole life is feeling trapped and needs an adventure. I have no clue what i’m going to do over there yet, and I haven’t even booked a return flight either, but with casual work comes flexibility (and loads of sad eye begging) so i’m sure I can work it out. I’m still pretty sick at the moment, can’t even travel down south as I need to be close to a hospital, but here’s my optimism hoping this New Zealand trip will happen. June can’t come quick enough baby!.